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getting 2 new ferrets for my other ferret!

21 10:45:22


~Connor in the garden~
Hi, I have a 6 Month old male ferret named Connor, and I decided to get him some friends, but my concern is how do i introduce them when they arrive? I am worried about them fighting and one of them getting badly hurt, but my other concern is they wont get along and I would have to get rid of them and I don't want to do that. The other ferrets are 1 male & 1 female and are older then my Connor. What do I do?

The first thing you have to do is make sure the new ferrets are healthy.  This means a vet check-up and 10 days quarantine.  Do not let them interact etc during this time.  After the 10 days, presuming they are all healthy, let them meet in a neutral area to play that is ferret safe.  Expect some scuffles, but leave them alone to work it out.  Once they have met like this, do not separate them, but when playtime is over, place them all together.   Some times it can take a few days to work through it all, but they should be fine.  Your 2 new ones are used to other ferrets and Connor is young enough that he isn't too used to being alone.