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ferret itches

21 10:50:22

Ok so I have two ferrets Peg and Sissy. Sissy is a 6 1/2 year old ferret. She is a very sick ferret but she is happy and doesn't even realize that she is sick. She has severe liver disease and kidney failure. There is also a good possibility that she has lymphoma. She has lost most of her hair from old age and being sick. She is constantly itchy. She never is able to stop itching and she just seems so uncomfortable when she is itching. I haven't changed her diet or anything in her environment lately. Is there anything that I can do to get her to stop itching or to help her itching lessen. Please help me help her. Thank you in advance.

Hello Morgan,

I am so very sorry to hear about Sissy. It is so sad when they are on the younger side and they come down with sicknesses. It must be very difficult for her and for you. I pray that you both make it through this.

My first reaction is that Sissy is so itchy because of the various sicknesses she is inflicted with. Have you ever had her checked for adrenal gland disease? Itching is an early indicator of adrenal gland disease.

Another reason for itching would be a skin allergy, but you said that you haven't changed her environment. Have you checked her thoroughly for fleas or other parasites?

Another reason would be because of dehydration. Has she been drinking regularly? When you scruff her neck, does the skin stay tented or does it snap back? If it stays tented, that means severe dehydration and that is very, very bad. At that point, Sissy needs to see a vet for sub-q fluids (fluids administered under the skin).

I would suggest a visit to the vet to make sure everything is as okay as it can be.

If you have any problems with the answer I've given, feel free to ask one of my fellow experts. I wish you and Sissy the best in the future and if you have any other questions, please never hesitate to ask.

Emilee Andrews