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Feeding ferrets live mice

21 10:42:46

I was wondering what was a good age to start giving them a mouse as a treat? Mine are 5 months old, and I would like to intorduce them to eating live treats at an early age, that way they can grasp the concept...

Hi Josh:

Since ferrets are obligate carnivores (MUST eat meat as their primary food to survive), the sooner you can feed them meat of any kind, the healthier they will be. The best thing to start them with is something called "pinkies", which are baby mice, furless and very small, usually frozen and sold at pet stores for the purpose of feeding carnivore pets.

The most important thing to remember in feeding meat to your little ones is that they can eat raw (if it's fresh) meat and bones IF they have not been cooked, but once they have been cooked, you must NOT feed them the bones, as cooked bones splinter and cause all kinds of problems.

The sooner you start feeding a "B.A.R.F." (Bones And Raw Flesh) diet, the better. You may need to warm frozen pinkies and cut them open so the ferret gets a good smell of the flesh and blood at first to get them going, but most will take to them right away. The best place to feed is usualy in the bathtub; that way the mess is easily cleaned up afterwardsYu cna't just leave it lay around all day like you do with kibble for fear of  diseases.

Best of luck to you and your kids!


Jacquie Rodgers