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THinking about a ferret... but have some questions first....

21 11:01:12

Hello, I was at my locle pet store the other day and they had three adorible baby ferrets... one in paticular was really injoying my attention, I would love to have a ferret or more but am wondering...

Are they as playful when adult?

If kept clean would the cage in my room be smelt throught the rest of the house?

If I was to get one now could I get another one or two in a few months without them fighting?  


    Im glad to hear you are thinking about getting a ferret they are so much fun.  To answer your first question yes, they will always be playful and love the attention..they do like to nip more when babys but as adults they will settle down with that, but they will always want to play.

   The bad thing about ferrets is the terrible odor their fur gives off.  Their feces do smell also but that odor can be prevented by changing the litter frequently.  Although you cannot help the odor on their skin, you can buy ferret deodorizers to spray on them every once in awhile but they dont always work.  Giving them baths helps a great deal if you use a special ferret shampoo, you CANNOT bathe them a lot.  Bathing your ferret drys up the oils in their fur and causes itching and flaky dry skin and is mostly reccomended to only bathe them every 3 months or so.  To tell you the truth the smell might be bothersome for a while but you get very used to it.  OH and male ferrets tend to give off a stronger odor than females.

  Ferrets are very sociable, im sure your ferret would love a playmate after a couple months of being lonely.  I always get new ferrets but I do not put them with the older age ferret..ex: dont get a new kit to go with your 3 year old ferret it will stress out and probably get sick.  When your ferret is still young is a great time to introduce a new fuzzy.  

   Good luck with getting your ferret and i hope all goes well..if you have any further questions you may email me and i will be glad to help out!

                         Sincerely, Desiree