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voiding on my floor!!!!!

21 10:42:46

Thank you so much for this site! This is my first visit and have felt completely validated in my care for my lovelies. I acquired 2 ferrets in June 2009, subsequently I hit the books and visited the only exotic vet in my town. I am happy to say that they live cage free in my room, with the option to enter the cage at anytime. They sleep everywhere, they play everywhere and they were voiding on my floor. I trained them to go on "chucks" (waterproof, soft mats-generally used in hospitals or nursing homes) that were strategically placed and hidden in 2 corners of my room.  Wilson (that's the 8 year old) is not well, not sick, but very old. He gets up just in time to get out of where he is sleeping and his bowels just loosen...its not his fault. His hind end gives out all the time but he doesn't seem to be in pain. Wilson and Spaz were both using the mats and everything was cool. In the interim I rescue an albino little girl-she lived in a plastic tote,with holes punched out of the fastened lid. I had to take her, her feet actually curl in from the curved bottom of the tote. Well, Wilson started having accidents about 3 days before I brought Pooker home. Now sometimes Pooker goes on the mat, Spaz (3) will always use the mat, and Wilson hardly ever uses the mat. I bet you were wondering if there was a question in this it is...How can I continue to train Pooker if I am contending with Wilson going everywhere???? I am extremely clean, I am always cleaning up, and wiping up, and washing, and sanitizing...if you have any advice please please give it to me. I thank you for your time oh Great Ferret, have a great day.

It will probably be an uphill battle until Wilson passes because Pooker is learning that she can go anywhere.  Ferrets are very difficult to Litter box (or pad) train and having an older incontinent ferret makes it extra hard.  You can only continue to do what you are already doing - work with Pooker and clean up as quickly as possible any accidents.