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Ferret with heart disease

21 10:45:20

My ferret (Tubbs) was diagnosed with heart disease...  From the sonogram (Sorry, not sure of the spelling) the doc said one side of the heart had one type and the other had the other... Any way... He's been on Atenolol and Lasix for about 6 months...  He was doing amazing for most of the time,, but lately becoming depressed and lethargic...  He's eating and drinking like a champ...  However, I've noticed that he threw up a couple time over the last 2 weeks...  I'm not thinking blockage because he is pooing and eating...  He is also huge...  Very over weight, but I am afraid to change his diet as I feel this could mess up the balance of his system...  Do you have any suggestions?  He is due for ekg in two weeks with the specialist, but I'm thinking I will take him in early they will let me...  Any advice you can give me on dealing with heart disease, I would greatly appreciate...  Do you know how long a ferret can live with this condition?  Thanks so much.  Take care, Jackie & Tubbs (And Rocky who just recovered from a successful adrenal surgery)  I love my boyz!!!!!

Hello Jackie,

Poor Tubbs!  (What a great name by the way).  It is a good thing you had an ultrasound down... that is the most reliable way to diagnose heart disease accurately.  

Heart disease is progressive, and it depends on the severity.  Some pets live for weeks, others months or years.  It cannot be cured by medications, they only can help slow the progression.  An EKG is a good idea.  

What do you feed him?  Make sure you are feeding a high quality diet.  Switching brands should not affect him all that much if you introduce the new brand gradually.  The only negative side affect is if you suddenly offer a new food without an introductory period, it can result in vicious diarrhea or vomiting.  Proper diet is VERY important to ferrets.  Please take a peek at the following link (an old question I answered regarding nutrition) to see if you are feeding a good quality kibble. Remember that MOST brands of ferret food are NOT healthy.  It is usually a better idea to buy specific brands of cat food instead.

Good luck and keep me posted!