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Shedding/Weight Loss

21 10:55:50

Hi im not sure if there is something wrong with my ferret but he seems thinner then usual and he is shedding alot. He is eating, sleepin, drinking right and he is still very playful and active his wieght and his shedding just has me a concerned. if you can give me anything about this a would realy like that.

Hi, thanks for your question. Ferrets, like many other furry mammals, can go through seasonal weight gains/loses and slight hair gain/loss in the Spring and Fall. As long as it's not severe (like he's balding or so skinny you can see his bones) and his losses remain minimal, he should be fine.

Some ferrets seem to do this and some don't, sometimes it lessens as they mature. But if your guy is still acting normal and eating, drinking, pooping, everything should be fine. If he stays skinny and thinly furred for a while, you should take him to your vet and make sure it's not a serious problem. Also you may want to try feeding him a higher quality ferret food (if you aren't already) and giving him ferret vitamins a couple times a week to make sure it's not nutrition related.