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Two Questions About My Carpet Sharks!

21 10:51:21

I have two Ferrets, Angel and Baby (they were named by a 5 year old!)

We have recently gotten involved in a Ferret Organization and they hold monthly events at area Pet stores where they bring their ferrets to play and meet the public  for both ferret awareness and education and to show the world how great these creatures really are. I am really interested in bringing my lil ones to an  event, but I have a question first! Our ferrets are sweet. They love kisses and love playing with you. But they are play nippers. If you get them wound up they will nip your socks, and they will bite your hand pretty hard if you initiate such rough play. But they aren't "biters" in my  opinion. They never bite when you pick them up (unless they decide to groom you) and they never ever bite out of meanness or aggression. Would they be okay meeting people and other ferrets? I have never had a problem with them biting any company we have ever had, or my 6 year old daughter. What really constitutes a "biter" really?

Also, We just moved our rats to a large wire cage, and the ferrets have I guess just NOW realized they are there, and have also now decided they should eat the poor rats! Especially a female as she will dig and scratch at the cage bars trying to get in and will attempt to bite them through the bars. We of course do not let her do this. We have tried time-outs, scruffing and gently dragging, and firm no's. NOTHING will deter her. She is now obsessed with the rats. Why would she suddenly start this? Is there anything I can do to get her to stop, or even perhaps be civil with them?

Any help or advice would be wonderful, thank you!!

Hello Christina!

What is wrong with he names Baby and Angel?  I think they are adorable!  I tend to name my pets very odd and bizarre names, such as SCSI ("Scuzzy") Scribble Bucket! Just pert of my strange sense of humor =)

Anyway, onto your questions!

I know EXACTLY what you mean.  They should be fine in public, especially since it is a new and interesting world and they will NOT be in play mode.  This is pretty much how my Mr. Bucket is, and he is an angel when I take him places.  It is best to be careful with them at first and only let other experienced ferret owners handle them.  This way, you can get an idea of how they will behave with less experienced handlers.  Only YOU know your ferret, and very situation will be different.  Keep a close watch on them when they are held by others and keep them up to date on their rabies shots just in case.  (Even though there is literally NO chance Baby or Angel could get rabies, it is law to have them quarantined for 10 days (in most states) OR killed and rabies tested.  So.. just to be safe, have them vaccinated first!)  

I consider a "biter" to be any ferret that nips aggressively.  I have a biter myself who I adopted from the shelter.  She must have human dominance problems since she wants to EAT everyone else but me.  That is pretty much what I would call a "biter", although even she is pretty good in public (she went to a ferret "frolic" last year and behaved wonderfully... but will try to eat the veterinarian during a checkup, go figure!)

Hmm... you certainly have a difficult situation with your rats.  Unfortunately, it is instinct to go after any small animal.  For example, I have a hedgehog that I MUST keep separate or they will gnaw on her cage for hours.  I would either move the rat's cage to a different room OR place it on a table out of reach.  Do not let them ever interact alone, and only under careful supervision.  Usually ferrets are civil with cats and dogs, but rats and rodents look like a testy treat to them.  Try to keep the rats out of reach and hopefully that will help!

-Cindy P.