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hi Ailigh...

21 10:50:30

well lets see where do i begin,
i have 4 ferrets, each are at least 3-4 years old...
i just recently came back home from a sort of vacation. my parents took care of my babies for me.
anyways, i came home to a really skinny ferret. and the rest were GREAT. so as soon as i noticed my little skinny ferret which use to be a little fatty. i took him to the vet. immediately. the vet said he had a little fever and could possibly be anemic?

but they never explained to me how he lost so much weight in the 4 mths i was gone?
but they gave me medicine for him, and now he is putting on some weight but i can still feel his ribs and some of his butt bones?

what else do you think i need to do?

OH and might i add...i use to buy these treats from wal mart called special kitty salmon treats...and now they dont make them anymore. at least not the same exact ones?? but ever since those have been off the market at wal mart.
which it has only been a month.

my skinny ferret would gobble those up!! and i think thats why he was a little fatty?


second question.
this is more severe =[

5 days ago. my little albino girl ferret accidently got stepped on by my husband.
it was so bad that she just didnt wanna move at all...and just layed there. we rushed her to the vet. she stayed over nite. she got steriods, pain reliever, fluids and put in a incubator.

i took her home the next day. and she was fine, the doctor told me to let her sleep and be quiet around her. so i did so. and she eats and drinks and sleeps and plays normally...until today?

today she eats normally, drinks normally, sleeps more and played for like 15 mins and slept more.

she was sneezing all day and at about 9pm, she crawled up in bed with me...curled by my feet, where she always loves to be. and started breathing with her mouth open...kinda weezing?

i woke her up...and she was still breathing with her mouth open...i put her on the floor...she walked around for awhile...then came back to my feet on the bed?

and started weezing again???
she also feels kinda hot?

so i gave her about 4-5 syringe full of pedialyte. and she drank them lika champ. then she wanted to go back to sleep. so then i also gave her about 1.5 ml of the medicine {anti-biotic} the doctor gave me for the other ferret that was sick about 3 days ago.

but she is still breathing with her mouth open?

what should i do?

besides take her to the vet. because i am already going to do that. i just wanna know some expert advise from a true ferret lover and owner?

please help me out?

i dont know who else to ask these type of questions too, without feeling like they could careless about my babies.

thank you hunny,

Generally these questions are out of my area since they are medical and I deal with behavior.  I can say that for a small animal, weighing only 1-3 pounds, 4 months is plenty of time to lose weight.  I would keep working with the vet though to find a cause rather than treating a symptom.
I would never suggest sharing medications, especially antibiotics since they should be used until finished with a sick ferret and there doesn't seem to be any reason for an infection.  I would guess either a break although they didn't do an x-ray or shock.  Ask why she was given steroids as maybe the vet thinks something else is wrong?  Just make sure she gets to the vet and you ask the vet these questions.