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Bump on butt

21 10:40:10

My boyfriend and I got our first ferret in early November. Her name is Lucy. We have only had her for a short time but she has completely changed our lives for the better. She is so sweet and we love her so much. Maybe about two weeks ago my boyfriend pointed out to my two very very small dark bumps on Lucy's butt. Everything looked ok and I just thought that it might be something from when she was desented. Today by chance I notice that she has a red bump on her butt. It looks like one of the small dark bumps I mentioned before is swollen. It is not hard and if I has to venture a guess I would say it may be filled with some sort of liquid but don't hold me to that because I am definitely not a doctor. She did have a little bit of diarrhea yesterday but her poop is pretty much back to normal today. Might still be a little loose. She is acting normal, playing and running around as usual. Could you please give me some advise as to what you think the might be, what I could do to make it better and if you think I should get her to the doctor. We love our baby and we don't want anything to happen to her.

Thank you so much!

Hello Emily,

Are the bumps on her rectum or just near it?  How big are they?  Do they seem to itch or irritate her at all?  

With anything like this, it is best to bring her to the vet for a check up.  It might be something benign that would go away on its own (such as an allergic reaction to something), but it could be something that might require treatment or surgery to have them removed.  With something like bumps, they can start off as nothing but quickly become a problem or spread to other areas.  It is always better to be safe than sorry!

I wish I could be of more help, but it is impossible to say what it might be.  Your vet should be able to get a better idea by taking a peek or even an aspirate or cytology to send off for a look by a pathologist.  

-Cindy P.