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Noodle and Box

21 10:40:10

Hi, I hope you can help. I have two ferrets, Box and Noodle. Box is a sable but he is starting to grow gray pants. Noodle is albino, although not diagnosed is partly deaf. So my concern is that Box seems to be in the right weight category I do with he would gain a few ounces. On the other hand noodle weighs as much as two ferrets. Previously Noodle has always been bigger than Box, but he snores and I can hear him wheezing as he sleeps.

Please let me know what to do, My husband and I are short on cash but if serious we know what needs to be done.


Hello Ashley,

I am having a bit of trouble understanding exactly what you are asking.  Are you worried about weight loss or the wheezing?

Just to note, if you your ferret is having any difficulty breathing, have him seen by your vet ASAP.  He may need oxygen and immediate diagnostics to determine the cause, especially since it can be life threatening.  

Please elaborate on the question and I will try to help.

-Cindy P.