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Ferret seems to hate new kitten.

21 10:40:47

I have two adult ferrets. I have been their proud mommy for four years. They have never had any problems with other animals, that is until I added a very playful five week old kitten to the mix. My younger ferret has no problem with the kitten. However, my slightly older ferret seems to hate the kitten. He will sniff him out, chase him down, jump on him, and nip (no blood). I have had the kitten now for over a month and my ferret hasn't changed his opinion of the little guy. The kitten will run away, but if "caught" by the ferret he lets out, what I take as, cries for help. But when I see whats going on, they both just look up at me. My ferret has been known to play like this with his brother but never to this extreme. It's like once he is out of his cage his goal is to mess with the kitten. I don't know what to do, everything I have read on the internet just sends me in circles. I don't want to find new homes for any of my furry friends, but I don't want any of them to get hurt either. Any information will help. Thank you.

In  my own experience, as the kitten gets older he will learn to get away (5 weeks is very young for a kitten to be with ferrets and away from mom).  A full grown cat will learn to deal with the ferrets by jumping up and/or staying away.  Until the kitten is older, I would keep him away from the ferrets during play time.