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cancers, conditions

21 10:41:48

i recently got a ferret and i love her to death but I've been online and have been reading about how many cancers and conditions my ferret can acquire and they say its pretty much inevitable that she is going to get one of them and need surgery. i don't want this to happen to her, is it true that she will probably end up with cancer or adrenal disease or something like these or am i over worrying

Hello Kelsey,

While it is true that many ferrets suffer various forms of cancer, plenty do live to a ripe old age.  However, it would be wise to learn the symptoms and common causes so you can minimize any risk.

1.  The number one cause of cancer in ferrets is poor breeding.  Large breeding facilities such as Marshall Farms mass produce ferrets and often live in deplorable conditions, are inbred and unhealthy.  Many of these places use false lighting to simulate the breeding season.  Since ferrets have a very light sensitive pineal gland, it is thought that this can influence adrenal disease.    

2.  The early altering of ferrets at less than 6 weeks old has been proven to drastically increase the risk of adrenal disease.  Countries such as the UK do not practice the early spay/neuter of kits and this condition is rarely seen at all.  It is unfortunate that this practice is so common in the USA and Canada.

3.  DIET.  Most people do not realize the food they feed is NOT healthy,.  Be VERY careful to use only high quality ferret food.  Good nutrition is essential for these guys.  Remember, expensive ferret foods are not necessarily better for ferrets if you are not aware of the ingredients.  You would be surprised that most types of ferret food are NOT healthy and can cause health problems like Insulinoma.  Also, foods rich in carbohydrates, fruit or sugar should never be given.

For more information regarding proper diet, please see the following link.

Common Diseases of Ferrets


Cause:  Tumor of the pancreas that cause excess secretion of insulin and lowers the blood glucose levels.    It is thought a diet too rich in sugar can cause Insulinoma.  Insulinoma is progressive and often cannot be cured.

Symptoms: Some ferrets do not show any symptoms while others exhibit lethargy and weakness. There might be a decrease in appetite and weight loss. These symptoms might even come and go over a period of months. Some ferrets will have increased salivation and even a glazed appearance to the eyes, and might even collapse or have seizures.

Adrenal Disease

Cause:  Adrenal disease is caused by tumors of the adrenal gland.  It is thought the high exposure to light and early spaying/neutering drastically increases the chances.  Adrenal disease can often be cured though surgery or managed medically with injections, although the disease cannot be stopped without removing the affected gland(s).  

Symptoms: The most prominent symptom is hair loss usually beginning at the end of the tail and progress toward the shoulders in a symmetrical fashion, muscle loss and/or a potbelly appearance, lethargy, an orangey skin color and weight loss. Females often develop an enlarged vulva (50%), and males experience an enlarged prostate and strain to urinate. Male ferrets can also become aggressive due to an increase of testosterone.

I hope this answers your question.  If you ever get another ferret, consider adopting from a shelter so you do not support the larger breeding facilities or buy a kit from a reputable breeder.  

-Cindy P.