Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > ferret has gone very strainge

ferret has gone very strainge

21 10:39:10

striders great escape
striders great escape  
Please help i have a ferret and for the first yr and a half he lived with my bf but things change and hes been with me for a good few months.  strider has never liked me..wont let me hold him he bits me..wont let me in the cage etc. He loves my bf do give him ferret kisses all the time.  That upsets me alot because i cant let him out without him attacking me but it hasnt been a problem up untill 2 nights ago when he started clawing biting scratching etc the cage. Strider hasnt slept since this started he just lies there stairing at the cage door...

He is in a small cage but were gettin a new one next weekend(i have to save)

im really worried about him. Why doesnt he like me?? What can i do to stop this behaviour?? Please help i cant afford him to be this upset/disstressed.

It sounds like he needs time to adjust to his new living arrangements.  He also needs a lot on enrichment both inside his cage and time out of his cage to run around and play.  I hope a bigger cage with enrichment for him will help his night time habit, but if it doesn't - he needs to see a vet.  Often behavior changes are a sign of illness.