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ibd, lung inflamation, possible insulinoma...prednisone?

21 10:40:45

QUESTION: I'm not sure if I should put my ferret on prednisone.

Mustello is 3 1/2 yo male he has IBD and has had it for a while. He's on a turkey/venison/lamb totally ferret food and becuase of the vomitting starting again we've been switching him over to hills zd. ( he had been good for about a year)

He recently had a mast cell tumor removed about 2 weeks ago and since hes a much different ferret. He's very itchy now, and has been loosing or pulling out his tail hair.(adrenal desease possible but im not about to put him through another surgery) He's sleeping more, and even less active then he was prior.
I brought him back to the vet they did blood work and xrays. His blood sugar came back low so they redid it one more time it came back as 61. the same day they re tested him he had his first low blood sugar attack. He had weakened hind legs, 'foam' at the mouth was cleary nauseous and couldnt hold himself up, i gave him some ferret lax (sugar). This was the first time anything like this ever happened, for a long time(several months) now he's been less active, will flatten out for decent periods of time while his 2 sisters are playing and so i had thought something might be wrong with him. about 2 months ago i brought him to the vet and mentioned it again so they tested his blood sugar and it came back good at 90.
the xrays the vet did showed that his lungs were inflamed and had a little fluid as well. Hes also become easily nauseated, if you carry him from one room to another he starts pawing at his mouth.

so hes got ibd ( but poops seem to be improving with diet, though he seems to hate the food and is not eating as normally as he used to. so ive made up some 'duck soup' i pureed turkey, turkey baby food and turkey cat food from wysong (all natural)he's reluctant to take it but ive been offering it and putting some in his mouth, sometimes he looks for more.
hes got the inflamed lungs
and now they are suspecting insulinoma and think its time for prednisone.
My concern is, i think he had this issue with the blood sugar becuase hes not eating as much as he was. this i think is partly due to the change over in food. i was integrating it into the diet but long story short the manufacturer who makes the turkey venison and lamb had issues with ingredents then the machine broke so the food has been back ordered for a month or so. i have enough to last up until probably 2 more days, ive been using it sparingly still mixing it with he other food. ( he hates this other food though, very stuck in his ways)
the food will be able to be ordered (hopefully im told) in 4 days which i plan to have over nighted.
if i start him on the prednisone, its for life. i cant start him and stop him.
he does have occasional labored breathing where its fast or there will be a pause in breaths. he has occasionaly sneezing fits too, no coughing.
theres also the issue of predisone causing other issues with the liver on top of side effects that could make him feel sick. I know hes not himself though either, he's barely playing, and barely can play, he tries but you can tell he gets tired quickly. he also recently had the surgery though so his space to roam has to be limited. im honeslty afraid to let him play too much as well i dont want his lungs to be over worked and i dont want him to run out of energy and have an attack.
the vet also thought his heart looked enlarged but the radiologist said it looked fine. the vet has recommended getting an ultra sound and going to a specialist. unfortunately over the last 3 months ive spent all i can we have no more available credit and an ultra sound i cant afford.
i have no idea what to do for my little man

ANSWER: Hi Robin:

Wow, this precious little one has his plate full!  And only 3-1/2 years old!

What does your vet say about pred at this point? So many vets get a ferret in this rate of failure and just keep running tests and tests and pretty soon you have three or four thousand dollars tied up in a ferret who doesn't have a chance of living and didn't have a chance in the first place.  And I hate to be the one to break it to you, but my honest feeling is that you would be doing this little man the biggest favor by helping him to the Rainbow Bridge.  I just don't see life getting better for him. He has too many systems failing in my opinion.

You might want to ask the same question of a few of the other experts and see what they say (at least second opionions don't cost an arm or leg here) before you make a decision - there are a few who are probably qualified to give you an answer.  I just hate to see you keep dragging this out, both for your checkbook and for his suffering. I don't see any part of life that this little one is enjoying at this point and to continue to add medications (which they hate and will cause continued deterioration) or special foods (which he hates) is just contributing to his misery IMHO and I can't help thinking he would be better off being let go.

I apologize if I've offended you; if this wasn't the answer you were looking for.  I just can't in my heart of hearts find any other reply that I feel right about giving in regards to this precious little one. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and with this precious little baby.


Jacquie Rodgers

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Jacquie
Ive been doing a lot of crying the last couple days because I know that this may have to be what it comes to. It's so sad because we got a different ferret back after his surgery. He tires very very quicky if he goes too long he starts to have the hind leg weakness which is incredibly sad to watch. He does still play, and I can see that he wants to play and his body is not letting him.

the vet that he has seen for the last year or so now thinks he may have a chance on the predisone. though i did not discuss with her what kind of chance. I dont want him to be stuck suffering. my concern is only for him.
I gave him the predisone today I feel i have to at least try something and see how he does. i agree with the medicine being only more stressful to them thats why i have it in pill form, i crushed it, mixed it in with the "duck soup" and he loves every bite of it. however he remains very tired, gets nauseous if you pick him up and move him.
I think I will try the predisone and his food should be here on thursday. this is such a shock for me becuase all these things ive told you are wrong with him have literally just started 2 weeks ago when he returned home from surgery (except the ibd) I know I have to do what is best for him and I will have to discuss it with my fiance

I am obviously hoping that the predisone and return of his normal food will put him back together or at least allow him some suffering free time. his ibd was not horrible and a 10day dose of flagyl usually leaves him well for a year. I can see myself wanting to be selfish to keep my little man. I will see what happens in the next two weeks
I appreciate your honest and empathetic response
thank you

I think you're doing the right thing by at least trying the pred, Robin - I think I'd do the same. Just not sure how much more I'd do beyond that I guesss.  I can hear in your words that you are feeling the same and my heart breaks for you. Update me in a few days?  God bless our precious little thoughts and prayers are with him and with you too.


Jacquie Rodgers