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harness training a one year old ferret

21 11:00:25

my 14 year old daughter just adopted a one year old female ferret from a friend. We love her. she is really entertaining. I would love to let her out of the bedroom but I want her in a harness for safety reasons. We bought her a harness and tried it on her and she escaped within 20 seconds of having it on now if she sees us with it she hides. I really want her to get use to it so we can play outdoors or at least out of the bedroom with her. can you help me?

Hello Denise and thank you for your question,

First let me congradulate you on your new little baby, And secondly I highly reccomend a ferret harness maybe its what you have maybe not, i used to use a small kitten harness for my male I had but females are much smaller in build. Petsmart  or petland should have ferret harnesses I reccomend a normal one like hwta you would put on a cat one that is 'H' shaped and buckles around the neck and around the waist. They dont like anything on them and they will twist and turn try offering favrite treats when you put it on her or playing a faverite game with her she will get used to it eventually.

Good luck,
