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My baby ferret bites really hard

21 10:39:20

I just bought a baby ferret (2 months). He's been here for only two days. Since he arrived, he's always crying and making noises. But the real problem is when he bites. He bites a lot, when I touch him he tries to bite my finger. Sometimes (very often) he gets really aggressive making noises like an angry cat, he seems very very angry and he jumps to catch my hand. I really don't know what to do. His behavior is scaring me. I'm starting to be afraid of touch him... What can I do? I wanted a ferret for a long time and everyone always said that they were friendly. Please help me!

You should look through a lot of the other questions about young ferrets biting.  This is completely normal behavior for any baby animal.  They tend to use their teeth to explore the world.  Check out the book "Ferrets for Dummies".  It is an excellent resource for all ferrets owners.  Be patient and calm with him.