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Litter Training Update

21 10:53:57

QUESTION: Our new ferret (Penelopede Sweetie) is eating plenty. She stopped pooping by the food bowl but continued to use the empty back corner that is hard to reach. I placed the blanket in that corner so that all corners were taken but she pooped on the blanket. I am continuing to move her poop to the litter pan with pellets but if that does not work in the next few days I will place her litter pan in the hard-to-reach corner until she learns to use the pellets. My daughter's room is small and our new ferret runs back into her cage to poop (on the blanket) when she is out playing. So, I'd say she is potty trained, just not litter trained. Thank you for the advice. If you have anything else to add, please let me know.

ANSWER: Hi Christy:

What a cute name!!  It's funny, but every now and then these little ones get it in their heads where the litterbox is supposed to be and they won't give in until we *finally* put it where they say it goes! LOL  Glad you gave in - that's usually the best way to *win*. Sounds like little Penelopede has the important stuff down pat. One other thing you might want to try....I wonder if she doesn't like the feel of the pellets on her feet.  She was probably using clay litter before she came to your home (just a guess) and she just might not like the bumpy pellets. I had one ferret who refused to walk on the pellets.  You can use regular clay litter, just be sure (IMPORTANT) you do *not* use clumping litter with ferrets; they can ingest it and it will cause intestinal blockages.  Sounds to me as if your little girl is going to work out really well. Isn't it amazing how quickly they settle in to our hearts and our homes?  Enjoy!  And thank you for the update!


Jacquie Rodgers

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I moved her litter pan to the corner she was using as a potty and placed her blanket in the corner that the litter pan was in. Wouldn't you know, she still used the blanket as a potty. I can't imagine that she doesn't like walking on the pellets because she was sleeping on them before. She just refuses to go potty in a litter pan whether it's empty, has pellets, or has bedding. She prefers to go on the floor even if it's covered with blankets and sleep in the litter pans whether they are empty or full of pellets. However, I will try your suggestion of using clay litter (not clumping). If that doesn't work, I'll put a third litter pan in the remaining corner, lol! Thanks again!

I think the problem is that she is trying to recreate the 'nesting box' security that is familiar to her from when she was born.  Some ferrets do like to find something about half the size of a shoebox and closed in on three sides and sleep in it. Perhaps if you put something like that for her to sleep in, it will help her settle on a sleeping place, which will help everything else fall into place for her. It sounds like she want's her house "just *so*" :-)  I'm sure she will let you know when it's just right. <tee hee>  Sorry, I shouldn't laugh, but you have to admit, it is cute.