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21 10:55:47

my ferrets name is blanco..this past weekend he give me a scare..i woke up on Sunday moring he was up and eating i took them out his cage to play wit him but he did not move all he did was just lay there he tryed to walking to fall over..then after a hour he started to walk normal..then later on that day he started to vomit that went on for like 15min then he was fine. this is the very first time this happens!! i don't no a vet to take him to.. n i live in N.Y.C i need your help !!! please i don't want to lose him

It could be a number of things, all of which require a visit to a vet.  My GUESS would be Insulinoma which needs medical attention as what he may have suffered was a seizure.  I can find a couple of vets that maybe able to help you
Also search
listed by state which helps you since I don't know what is close.
Good Luck