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Ferrets Live Outside in Winter Time?

21 10:55:46

Is it okay to keep ferrets outside in cold weather?  We live in Louisiana and have mild winters.

Hi Laura:

I definitely wouldn't recommend ferrets be left outside in the wintertime or in the summertime either, for that matter.

Ferrets are very very domesticated and there are dangers outside that you would be unable to protect them from - in addition to the inclimate weather - stray dogs, cats, snakes, heaven-only-knows-what else!  Ferrets are just not really bred today to live outside, but to be part of our family INSIDE the home.  I live in the desert where daytime temperatures in the wintertime are around 70 degrees, but I would NEVER consider keeping my ferrets outside.  

Hopefully you have a nice, clean cage that you keep your ferret in INSIDE the house in the summertime - we actually worry more about temperature extremes in the summer, as ferrets can and do die at temperatures over 82 degrees.

If you want an outdoors pet, I suggest you get a chicken, pig, horse or other barnyard type animal.  It doesn't sound to me as if a ferret is the right pet for you.  If you don't aready have ferrets, I STRONGLY recommend you read "FERRETS FOR DUMMIES" by Kim Schilling - it tells all about ferrets needs in order to be healthy.  You can also read a lot about ferrets at:    and click on "FAQ's", scroll down to any topic and just start reading. Ferrets are very HIGH MAINTENANCE - which means they need a LOT of one-on-one DAILY attention, love, play and interraction. They are NOT an outside pet in any way.  They can, however, spend time outside WITH THEIR PERSON, either riding in their hood, pocket or jacket in the wintertime for short, SUPERVISED playtimes outside in summer or winter IF the temperature is between 60 degrees and 80 degrees.  Again, however, they are NOT an outdoors pet and should NOT be kept outside.  I don't know of anyone who would sell a ferret to you if they know it is going to be kept outside - there is just waaay too much danger outside by themselves. It would be like leaving a 2-year old child out in the backyard....they may not die, but they certainly wouldn't be happy or healthy.  Same for a ferret.

One thing ferrets need is lots of DAILY love and interraction and play with their owners. When left outside, pets tend to just be forgotten about and a ferret would definitely not live very long in that atmosphere.  PLEASE, if you know someone keeping a ferret outside, turn them in to the Humane Society or ASPCA?  It would truly be inhumane and that person shouldn't have a ferret to begin with.


Jacquie Rodgers