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Adrenal Gland

21 10:55:46

Our 7 year old female ferret has been diagnosed with adrenal gland disorder and is showing all the possible symptoms. we decided to not go through with the surgery or any treatments. recently we noticed what we believe to be blood in her urine. does this mean her kidney's are failing and if so what our options? is it even possible to start any treatments so late in the disease? we really need help on this one and we love our girl so much. please write back as soon as you can. thanks

Hi Dani and Larry:

So sorry to hear about your little girl.  If she was just recently diagnosed, it is possible that your vet could still either remove the offending gland or give her a Lupron shot, which does not *cure* adrenal disease, but it does relieve the symptoms for a period of time.  At the end of life, it is often a good decision to help our babies to the Bridge rather than allow them to suffer.

Without knowing where your little one is in the disease process, it would be impossible for me to diagnose her over the internet.  I would strongly advise you to get in to see your vet as soon as possible.  It is very possible that her kidneys are failing and, if they are, she would be better if you would help her to the Bridge.  

Only your vet can tell you if your ferret has passed the point where surgery would be helpful to her.  The weekend is now upon us - I don't know if you can contact your vet over the weekend or not, but she really needs to be seen as soon as possible, either for treatment or to help her to the Bridge (euthanasia).

My thoughts and prayers are with your and your little one. I know this is such an incredibly difficult time. Surely you will want to stay in close contact with your vet and have him follow the course of her disease and he can advise you best.  


Jacquie Rodgers