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Follow-Up Question re: Weight Loss/Coughing

21 10:56:11

Hi again Jacquie,

This is Christel from a couple days ago; I wrote in about Franklin and his possibility of a bowel obstruction or insulinoma.  His appointment was today, x-rays included this time, and it turns out he has a collapsed lung and possible heart failure.  I'm sure you can imagine what I'm going through but I just wanted to update you and thank you again for your advice earlier.  He is now on antibiotics and pain medicine and until they call me with the news of what exactly is wrong, the most I can do is hope.  Any advice on how to get a finicky ferret to swallow pain medicine from a syringe?  He won't eat off my finger either.

Hi Christel:

Yes, I remember you and Franklin well.  I'm so very sorry to hear he is having  heart problems.  That was one of the things I had feared, as coughing is often an early symptom of heart problems. I hate to suggest that to people and I always hope and pray that's not what is causing the problem. :-(*

I just lost my little Kylie to heart problems and one of her first symptoms was a cough; then her little feet started swelling up as her heart failed enough that it just could not move the blood through enough to keep fluid from building up in her tissues.  You can monitor his overall condition (since they can't tell us how they feel) by watching for his tongue and gums turning bluish/purple. When this happens, they are feeling short of breath and usually uncomfortable, just as we would be if we couldn't get enough air to the point we turned blue. So hopefully knowing to look for the bluish gums and tongue will allow you to know his condition at any given time. When Kylie's mouth, tongue, lips were very blue - I knew it was time to let the vet help her to the Bridge.  Pain medications given when they are already having slowed circulation will often slow the heart rate even more and make the gums/tongue even more blue, thus the ferret more uncomfortable....just fyi.  Conversely, if you see that his gums and tongue are nice and pink, you will know that his condition isn't in the final stages yet.  Hopefully just a little knowledge will help so you can monitor his condition and keep your vet advised accordingly.

My heart breaks for you at this very difficult time. Please give that little boy a very gentle hug from me. I will keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers.  When the time comes, there is a website where you can write a memorial for Franklin....they also have an online candle-lighting ceremony every Monday night honoring all pets who have passed away the previous week.  They were such a comfort to me when I went thru this.  You will find them here:

Be strong - I know that Franklin in is good hands - you are a good ferret mommy.  If you do decide to have the vet help him cross the Bridge, I hope you will hold Franklin when the vet gives him the shot (usually an overdose of an anesthetic that is just given in a shot in a muscle in their rear) so he will know that mommy is there and will go gently, knowing how very much he is loved. Be sure to discuss this with your vet ahead of time so you know what to expect, but you do have the right to stay with Franklin and it does help comfort them if we can stay with them for those last minutes and they just gently fall asleep in our arms for that last time.

God bless & give you strength during this difficult heart is breaking for you. Stay in close touch with your vet and keep monitoring Franklin's condition as best you can. Enjoy these last weeks/days/hours with him. I'm sure he is comforted when you hold him and spend extra time with him.  Don't hesitate to write again anytime I can be of help, hon.


Jacquie Rodgers