Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > confused


21 10:58:16

hi Sheila, its Googles mom AGAIN....I have been reading some of the other experts opinions on things and i am really confused...opinions differ so much...One issue is the "litter"...i have read that you should NEVER use a clay kitty litter as the dust can cause respiratory infections...What is your opinion on that?  Also treats...some of the other experts say to give alot of treats not to use them simply for rewards...other opinions are to minimize the treats and to use them "only" for new baby (Rocky) is only 10 weeks old...He is up for at least an hour every couple of hours and i am relentless at the "potty training"...While he is up, i put him in his "box" in his "cage" and tell him to "go potty"..."show me"...and everytime he goes...the only rewards he gets is lots of cooing and kisses...The only treats he gets is his vitamin in the morning and a lttle soy milk...He is such a good eater that i hate to spoil that habit...or can treats spoil good eating habits...?  I have owned 2 Ferrets in the past when i lived in Oklahoma and there were fed "cheap" cat food...(that was before they came our with a ferret diet and before i knew better about good nutrition) my questions is Treats or No Treats....and Tidy Cat Kitty that good enough and safe?

Hello Google's Mom AGAIN :) LOL don't worry, I am glad you ask so many questions because that means you care so much about your babies! Also gives me something to do :)

OKAY...yes different people will always have different opinions about everything, and with some things there are definite DO's and DON'T's, and some things are more gray and up to you or what works best in your specific situation. Ferrets are no exception. And just like kids, different parents have different ways of raising them. Sounds like some people's opinions are to be stingy with treats, giving them only sparingly; others treat away. I would go for the middle ground approach. I believe in positive reinforcement, especially when dealing with these little attention deficit animals--if they don't get something good out of doing something good (like going to the bathroom where they're supposed to) they figure since there is no reward maybe the carpet would do just as well. It really depends on the ferret, some (like my Big Ferret) actually prefer to use their toilet...he actually climbs back into his cage and goes in there almost every time! Since you are in the middle of potty training, I would absolutely give him a treat and lots of praise whenever you "catch" him doing it right (with training I think treats are a must). Same with tricks and good behavior (like if you see him thinking about digging and then decides not to). Praise works too of course. I look at this way: they get to eat the same food for every meal every single day. How would you like that? Spice it up a little. I don't think modest amounts of treats ruins their appetites; they have very fast metabolisms and eat a lot anyway, especially if they're fed a good quality food they like. Besides, ferrets are very smart and they *know* when to expect a treat. So don't worry about giving them a snack or two throughout the day for good behavior, or sometimes "just because". I also think it reminds them that you're the good guy and love them (since their love language is food it seems!) Just be sure the treat is a "healthy" treat, not anything with sugar or fruit in it. (Buy a ferret specific treat). Again, it's completely up to you and what you're comfortable with.

And as to the litter, I personally use the Tidy Cats because it's "99.9%" dust free and non-clumping. You're right, most kitty litters have a lot of dust that do cause breathing problems, and the litter can't be the clumping kind because of the possibility of some getting on the ferret's paws, the ferret licking his paws and ingesting it, and then the litter swells up inside (that's how it clumps) and causes intestinal blockage (very bad!). No wood chips either, also cause breathing problems. So whatever litter you choose to use, as long as it follows those three guidelines, should be fine.

Okay, sorry this was a long one, but those are *my* opinions. Both have worked swell for me, no problems giving ferrets treats and using that specific litter...and we're talking multiple ferret over several years, so I think if there was a problem with either I would have found out by now! And of course if one of your ferrets has a litter eating problem, it wouldn't work for you. Again, some things are specific to each person (and ferret!).

Hope I've helped some, good luck and don't hesitate to ask away!
