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Behavior of my ferret

21 11:01:08

Hello Amy,I just got my 12 Week Silver Mitt ferret from the pet store a week ago. He is very nice and sleeps a lot but when its time to play, he plays very little by himself and doesn'nt play with me. Can you tell me what the problem is?

Hello Kentrella,
Hello, thanks for your question. A baby ferret is much like an infant child. they do not do much but eat and sleep. And they won't interact with you until they get a little older.
Mostly, the first couple of months you have your new ferret, he will be mostly eating, sleeping and exploring.
And on average, ferrets can sleep up to 16 hours a day!
They usually start to get playful at about six months old.
Then you will notice their personalities coming out.
Since  this is your first ferret, I URGE you to get a book on ferrets.
A GOOD book is "Ferrets for Dummies" by Kim Schilling. You should be able to find it at a pet store, or the library.
There is SO much to learn about ferrets, like nipping training, litter training, and other things, that a good book will be VERY helpful!

  But as far as the sleeping, your ferret sounds like a typical baby ferret. BUT, just to be safe: You should take him to the vet for an initial checkup. This is just a good rule of thumb, simply because he is a new pet to you, and he should get a good bill of health from the vet.

 I would take him in to your vet, just to be sure he is OK, and of course, for his shots etc.
Thanks, and take care