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Crazy Ferret

21 10:44:38


Tweedle and Drew
My son brought home a ferret a few months back and he has claimed my husband and I. He thinks my bed is his bed and every night around 10:30 he climbs up there and bounces and plays and nips (not bite) never any pressure with his teeth just lets you feel them. He is the sweetest thing I have ever had. I just want to make sure he is happy. He gets up with me every morning and plays under the couch then runs out and jumps on my leg then back to the couch on his back under the couch looking at me wanting me to get him. When I got to get him he slides back under the couch as if playing hidding seek but he is still hisses sometimes. I can reach down pick him up give him kisses and he just relaxes and falls asleep. I need to know if I am crazy or is he having a good time. Oh I also called a exotic animal vet and they said I could use Adam Flea and Tick spray on him as well as long as I spray my hands first and rub it on him avoiding the eyes due to the alochol, have you heard this before?

Hi Tonya:

What a lucky little fella to have found a home at your house!! Sounds like the perfect life for a ferret!!

If you haven't heard of the book yet, I would strongly recommend you read the book called FERRETS FOR DUMMIES - there are lots of tips and ideas in there in addition to things you need to be aware of, dangers around the house - simple things that one would never suspect to be a danger that can be deadly to our precious little friends. It's imperative that you ferretproof your home thoroughly (the rooms he's allowed in anyway) and that you treat him for hairball obstruction regularly, as this is a common reason for ferrets to die far before their time, especially when they are free-roam ferrets. There are just ways we need to watch out for them. Things like rubberbands and styrofoam are deadly to ferrets!  Please do read it - it's a run read too, then you'll be an expert too, which I'm sure you will want to be for your little guy's best chance at a long and healthy, happy life.

As far as fleas are concerned. The best flea treatment I have ever seen for ferrets was once given by one of our experts here and I 'borrowed' it from her and will do so again here for you. It's the BEST, most effective way to battle those little buggers:

Treating the fleas - There are several kinds of flea treatments available specially for ferrets.  Marshall's brand has a product called "Ferret Flea and Tick Shampoo" that is non-toxic, non-drying, and non-alkaline.  It can be used safely once every two weeks without drying out ferret's skin or coat.  This product also comes as a spray.  There are also these newfangled flea towelettes out on the market: they kill the fleas and will repel most fleas for up to two weeks.  The company that makes them is called Bio Spot.  I've never seen them in a major pet store, but they are available for sale here:

You may also use kitten flea shampoos and treatments, but ONLY if the product's active flea-killing ingredient is pyrethrin.  Don't use anything containing organophosphates, carbamates or petroleum distillates. They may be harmful to ferrets.

Flea treatments for dogs
Flea treatments for cats
Flea Collars
Most sprays (unless made for ferrets specifically)
Flea powders (can cause lung ailments)

Cleaning the environment - Wash all ferret bedding with HOT water and detergent.  Vacuum the carpets throughly - you can even cut up a flea collar and place it in the vacuum bag beforehand so it kills everything it sucks up.  For a serious infestation, you may flea bomb the home when the ferrets are (obviously) not there.  Follow the directions on the bomb and you should be fine.

There are long-term treatments you can use on ferrets, although none of them has been scientifically tested on ferrets and thus can not be deemed "safe" (by medical standards).  However, I have heard of many a person using Frontline's "TopSpot" product for cats.  You have to give one-half dose per ferret (12 drops on the shoulder blades).  USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK AS SOME FERRETS HAVE HIGH SENSITIVITY!  THIS PRODUCT CAN NOT BE WASHED OFF!  As always, talk to your vet before you decide to use non-ferret products on you fuzzies.

Keep enjoying that little guy - take lots of pictures and write down all the cute little stories of things he does. Just like our children, they are far too sooon gone and our memories aren't as good as we wish they were. ENJOY EACH DAY!!!


Jacquie  Rodgers