Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > My female ferret has a swollen vulva

My female ferret has a swollen vulva

21 10:59:23

I have a female ferret which is about 3 years old and I have noticed that its vulva for the past 3-4 weeks is swollen. She is a Marshall Farms ferret, since she has the tatoos. When I take her out of her cage to play she is very playful and active and she loves jumping aound and  play biting, which is always fun.

I was wondering what can I do? Is it cancer or an infection?

Can I apply Neosporin to the area? If yes, would it be safe (even if she were to lick of the Neosporin)If no, is there another medicine to help her. Should I feed her a special/different diet? What do you think her life spam would be?

Thank You, I appreciated,

Yes, Neosporin will help your little ferret feel better.  Even though she is only 3 she probably has Insulinoma or Adrenal Cancer.  Most likely Insulinoma.  It cause their vulva to swell.  They can live a long life span with it even if she loses her body hair as they do with it too.  Ferrets very rarely get infections like that unless she was bite by something.  Just keep it clean and keep Neosporin on it.  

Let me know if I can be of further help.  

Also, my opinion of having surgery on ferrets for cancer if you want it is I don't believe in it.  It doesn't pro long their life span by much and it is really painful for them.  
