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how do a ferrett age

21 10:52:14

how do a ferrett age compare to a dog?

Hi Janice:

Very good question - one I haven't gotten before! Ferrets are called "kits" when they are born. They don't reach full maturity until age seven months. They have usually grown as large as they are going to be by that point - bone-wise, but since they've been so busy growing bones up to that point, after age seven months, they will start putting on more body weight (muscle and fat).

From age one year to three years is a young ferret.  Three to five years is a middle aged ferret. Five years and up are considered to be elderly..

Oldest ferret I've heard of (from a reliable source) was 12 years old. That's VERY unusual though. The average lifespan of a ferret is approximately 6-8 years.

Many things affect how long a ferret will live. They MUST have proper diet, daily social interraction and stimulation of their inquisitive little brains in problem solving, and lots of UNcaged exercise every single day. The more interraction and exercise these babes get, the more will they have to live.

Hope that answers your question - and thanks for a great question!


Jacquie Rodgers