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how to introduce a kitten to my ferrets

21 10:56:31

Hello, I have two male ferrets they are such good boys and I love them as if they were my kids.  Any how, I was thinking about rescuing a kitten but I want to be sure that they will accept him.  They love to play with each other and they are not vicious, but they did kill my hamster a year ago.  Is there a certain way to introduce them.  If you have any helpful hints I would really appreciate it.  Thank you for your time.

Hello Eileen and thanks for writing. Personally I wouldn't mix a kitten and two adult ferrets in the same household, but that's my preference. It would be quite stressful on the kitten. However, there are people with lots of ferret experience who have no trouble with it. If it's something you're absolutely determined to do, you need to introduce all three to each other under controlled, supervised conditions to guarantee no one gets hurt. They'll decide on their own if they get along or not. Be prepared to pull the ferrets away quickly.

Here are some links that will help you. Also, check out the book "Ferrets For Dummies" if you haven't already:

Good luck,