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My Ferret is Very Thin

21 10:59:05

I love how you have every thing set up.My ferret is very thin,she eats a lot and move's her stools.My son went out and got me another female as he felt she needed a friend and said she was stress and that a friend would help.But she has lost much more wright.I did go out and got pedialyte level 2 baby food beef chicken and turkey.But she will only eat it off of my fingers.Is she trying to tell me some thing?Is there anything else I could give her to put more wright on?Please help me..     Karen

Hi Karen,
Get some Nutri-Cal or Ferretone.  Nutri-Cal is probably a little better to help with your ferret's appetite loss.  Even if your little ferret only eats off of your finger it's better then her not getting any food at all.  I'd feed her as many times a day as you have time for.  When they are low on weight they tend to eat a lot.  A/D helps them to gain weight but it's Science Diet and a Veterinarian has to prescribe it and in my opinion the baby food helps them gain just has much with the Nutri-cal supplement.
Let me know what else I can help you with.