Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > understanding what we say

understanding what we say

21 10:57:42

we have a new ferret and all it seems to want to do is bite !!, my question is do ferret's understand what we say, such as NO or there names? or other commands? please let me know

Like any animal they have to be taught what we mean and can be trained to come to their names but they are not as food motivated as dogs and have to be reminded often.  Clicker training can be very effective.  Regarding biting, you need to figure out why your ferret is biting - is it scared because you suddenly came upon it or startled it?  Has it learned to be afraid of your hands?  Do you put the ferret down when it bites?  
Age is also relevant - if the ferret suddenly started biting and is 5 or older then you should look into a vet visit for adrenal.  If the ferret is young then it is biting like all young animals do and just need to be taught that biting doesn't get you anything!  
Good luck