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Depressed ferret?

21 10:38:55

Me and my boyfriend have a 3 year old ferret, we had been thinking about getting her a play mate for some time now and we finally did the other day. It's a 2 month old female, and she is nuts! Izzy, our older baby seems indifferent to her. They snuggle and such. Otherwise don't really interact. But last night she started getting very lazy. No interest in coming out to play, she only sleeps. She won't even come out for treats! It is about 9pm and I have yet to see her eat today. She gets up and drinks a bunch of water then back to sleep. She also had diarrhea last night. Does she need to see a vet pronto? Is this something we can wait out? Will we still be able to keep the little one?  I'm all freaked out. I hate seeing her like this. :(
Thank you,

ANSWER: Dear Kayla,

I wouldn't think much about your little ferret being indifferent to the new littly guy, if, it were not for the diarrhea.  Diarrhea is never a good sign in any case.

Yes, take her to your vet.  Better to be safe than sorry.  When these little guys get sick they seem to go down hill quickly.

I wish I could be of more help, but I'd need a lot more info.  By the time you explain more to me, you could be seeing the vet.

I wish the best for you and your furry little friend.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Because it has been the weekend we could only find emergency vets open. And to be honest we wouldn't be able to afford that. Anyways, she seems to be showing progress, shes been wondering around and eating here and there. However I was wondering if green diarrhea is always associated with ECE? Her poop is slightly more solid and not as green as it was two days ago. If she gets bad again were bringing her in but right now were just watching closely.
Thanks again,

Dear Kayla,

Green ferret bon bons and/or diarrhea can be the result of many things.  So not being a vet I can only guess.  Sometimes a change in diet, too many treats, anxiousness, or even a change such as the introduction to a new habitat or a new pet or person can be problematic.  We can't ignore, however, the many medical problems that could be the culprit.

Don't delay in getting your little guy the proper help.  Meanwhile, think about what things may have taken place over the last few days and nip them in the bud.  If you believe you've located the problem and there is a definite change for the better (everything returns to normal)GREAT.  If a trip to the vet is necessary, make sure you've made notes to share with the doctor.

NOTE: Be sure left over food in his bowl is not moist.  If it is, throw it out and wash the bowl.  Also, make sure your little guys are getting their vitamins.  Follow the dosage instructions carefully.  Overdosing can cause diarrhea.

I hope all goes well.

Fond Regards,