Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > SOY MILK FOR FERRETS?


21 10:58:28

I have recently discovered this site and i love it...You are so informative and so quick to respond...My question is i have a little male 1 1/2 years old...his name is google (for the little search engine he is) and when i first v\brought him home as a kit he wanted to taste everything and i found he really likes milk...I know it is not good for him so i would give him little tastes of soy milk...Well for the last year, the first thing he gets in the morning is his 1/8 cup of soy milk...its his coffee...he wont even look at you until he has had his soy...He has a beautiful coat (shiney), great eating habits and is very active and only had a cold do you think its good for him or am i doing more harm than good...This is not flavored soy milk just plain and he loves it...!

Thanks so much for the kind words, Tracie!   First, let me say if there ever should be a contest for the BEST ferret name, your little Google should definitely win it!!  What better name for a ferret??   I'm still chuckling!

I'm not really sure what to tell you about soy milk since I'm not really familiar with it.  I know the problem with regular milk is that is has lactic acid in it, which soy should not have, since it is from a plant.  My best suggestion is that if it does not give him diarrhea, like regular milk does, then I would continue to give him a small amount if he enjoys it.  It's not meat and ferrets ARE obligate carnivores, but you just may have discovered a way for those of us who have milk-desiring ferrets...and in tiny amounts (ONLY IF it doesn't give diarrhea), go for it! :-)

Thanks so much for writing.  Hope you'll write again any time.  Give Google a snuggle for me......he sounds like one realllllly lucky little search engine!