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Male Ferret biting

21 11:00:16

Why is my male ferret biting my two female ferrets in the neck? Sometimes he won't let go until I break them up.  Waiting for your reply. Thank you Karen

hello Karen,
This is a dominanace thing, he is establishing himself as "Alpha" over the female ferrets. It is normal ferret behavior, and they will work it out. Don't worry, your females will let him know when they have had enough. Are your females still young? Or is he younger than them?
Ferrets are very primitive in the way they establish pecking order, and it is just be normal behavior for one ferret to be the aggressor, especially when the other(s) are younger or less dominant. It is normal rough and tumble and sometimes can sound alot more aggressive than it really is. This is especially prominant behavior in "teen" ferrets, between 6 months and 18 months old. They then grow out of it.
Here is an interesting website about ferret behavior that might be helpful to you:

I hope this helps
