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baby ferret

21 10:45:34

I have a 4 month old ferret that I brought home yesterday.  He played and
walked around yesterday but today he acts like something is wrong with his back
legs.  He wont walk around.  Could he be hurt?

Hi Heather:

Yes, it's very possible a baby ferret could have gotten hurt. Four month old ferrets need to be supervised (all ferrets do, actually) constantly while out playing - they can climb waaaaay higher than they should fall; they can get caught in things they shouldn't get stuck in; they can get underneath rocking chairs, get stepped on, get handled wrong by little children, just a myriad of things can happen to a ferret even one who is being supervised. You just almost have to keep one hand on them at all times at that age. They want to explore everything, eat everything and get into everything.

I recommmend you get this little guy to an emergency vet for Xrays as soon as possible. Moving him around, if he has a spinal injury, could cause him to be paralyzed OR could even kill him.

Between now and when you get him to vet assistance, you MUST keep him asimmobile as possible; put his food and water very close to him, litterbox too. Check on him often and make sure he's eating and drinking (count the number of kibbles in his bowl). You can wrap his back from shoulders to rump firmly like a burrito and hold him in this manner, rock him, walk around with him, etc. He will enjoy being with you, not being alone, but you MUST MUST MUST not jar him around, so keep that 'burrito' wrap very firm and just keep him calm as possible.

Be sure he's eating - especially be sure he's drinking (dribble a couple drops of Ferretone on some warm water to make it particularly appealing). If he has any other symptoms, write to me again and update me, okay?  So far, there's nothing to indicate anything except an injury, which still could be very serious if not taken care of properly. Try to get that spinal xray as soon as possible.


Jacquie Rodgers