Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Vomit


21 10:45:33

I have owned quite a few ferrets but this is a new one to me. I have 2 ferrets currently and both are acting completely normal. One was sleeping and got up and started playing by himself and just stopped and puked. It looks like pieces of his kibble. He is still eating, drinking, pottying, and playing normally. I have never had a ferret vomit before. Can a piece of undigested kibble make a ferret vomit? I am taking him to the vet to be certain nothing is wrong but was just wondering.

Hello Cass,

I would not be concerned if your ferret vomited once and is acting normally.  Sometimes a pet eats too quickly or has an upset tummy.  Even people feel sick occasionally for no reason!

If the vomiting continues or he begins to show signs of lethargy, anorexia, diarrhea, odd behavior or a painful abdomen, you should take him to the vet. For now, keep a watchful eye on him and monitor for any changes.  In my own experience, a ferret that vomits once or infrequently is nothing to worry about.

-Cindy P.