Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > life span

life span

21 11:01:11

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Question -
How long do they live?
Answer -

     That's a very common question.  Ferrets typically live 6 to 10 years, with 6 apparently more common than 10. The oldest ferret that i've ever heard of is 15.

Thanks, do they have lots of health problems when they are getting older... about four years of age?

hey again,

   Well It's possible and its in the middle of the lifespan.  I think the major problems like blindness, hearing loss, cancer, and those type of things start showing up (( if it happens at all )) around the 5 or 6 year old mark.  They are more able to get sick and stuff when they are older, just like humans.