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playing with ferrets

21 10:40:30

hiya, i just got a 7 week old ferret and do not know how to play with him, i let
him out of his cage for a hour a day is that ok? and when hes out of his cage im
soooo lost as to what to play with him! i tried playing with squeky toys with balls,
flipping him over and tickleing him and draging a sock on a sting. he is

Hi Zahra:

Most ferrets find squeaky toys annoying and dont like them.  Try just dragging a blanket behind you and giving him rides on it; roll him over a few times, etc.   Is he eating alright?  If not, he may need a vet checkup.  He is probably used to other babies and will be much more playful as he gets older.  He is equivalent to a newborn baby right now, so don't expect him to play too hard yet.  Give him a couple weeks and he will be much more playful, but DO play with him AT LEAST an hour or two each and every day or he will get depressed. Gentle cuddling would be a nice activity for now...then you can progress to playful roughhousing in a couple of weeks.

