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playing ferrets

21 10:40:30

hiya, i just got a 7 week old ferret and do not know how to play with him, i let
him out of his cage for a hour a day is that ok? and when hes out of his cage im
soooo lost as to what to play with him! i tried playing with squeky toys with balls,
flipping him over and tickleing him and draging a sock on a sting. he is

Hello Zahara,

They are adorable at that age!  What did you name  him?  

If possible, try to let him play a bit more than an hour.  The best thing to do is let him frolic in the AM and again in the PM to get out his baby-energy.  I usually recommend 3-4 hours a day if you can. Another option is to thoroughly ferret-proof a room and let him have free reign for longer periods of time.

It sounds like he does not know how to play.  Ferrets that are from larger breeders are not given much attention or playtime, and some have no idea what to do.  I'll bet with a little time, he will learn that a string + sock = FUN.

Another factor is your home is a completely new environment than what he is used to.  He is still adjusting to you, the new smells and setting. He might be a bit shy for the next few days until he settles in a bit more.

If you have any questions about ferret care/food/etc, please do not hesitate to ask!  I know when I first got mine, I had a ton of questions.  

-Cindy P.