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ferret life span left

21 10:59:43

my ferret has insulinoma and is loosing its hair very quickly. i cant afford the
medicine that it needs. i have noticed it has red bumpy scabs on its body. how
much longer does she probably have and should she be put down.  

The red bumpy scabs are probably not from what your ferret has and Adrenal Cancer is usually what causes hair loss although insulinoma can as well.  Ferrets can live a long while with it they just won't have hair.  Give your ferret ferretone or Nutri-Cal for ferrets.  It's not that expensive and should make your ferret feel better.  Just be sure he's eating and drinking.  Dehydration can kill ferrets.  I wouldn't put your ferret down unless he is suffering.  As far as the red bumpy scabs you can use Neosporin or any antibiotic ointment to feel better.  Those can be skin cancer but may not be.
