Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > it Play...or problem it Play...or problem

21 10:44:42

We love our Ferret....well I knew my girls would.....I thought for sure the smelly lil thing would be gone by now .....but I love her .......and her and I have the best relationship..........she is quite playful..........she pretty much has the whole house to plat in when she is awake........and sometimes she even gets away with sleeping where eva she want tooo.......... she is very routine and very finiky........she is a thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but particular about what she steals...........she has a shoe fettish..........leather only !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and yes she steals them ..chews them...and then returns them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........AND PLAYTOYS NAAAAAA she wants plastic cups and soda bottles and cans !!!!!!!!! ans she willl DO ANYTHING TO AQUIRE THESE!!!!!!!!!!! SHE CHEWS THROUGH these items ....she will chew on a can for hours...........she hides for later behind the dishwasher.....and enjoys them around 330 am and goes for about an hour .....or till you go insane and get up and fish for it ....but she always has spares...........she also hates all treats made for small animals................wouldnt take any!!!!!!!!!finally after 4 month .....i brought home dried tropical fruit and she loves it !!!!!!!! dates ....cocnut ..........babna....pinaple.......and it has to be trader joes and she will bass on the question is....when she is playing ...running and jumping she will jump and stop mid air turn herself and bite her own back...............what is this????? and why does she do it...????

Hello Sandra!

Ferrets are great pets, and she sounds like a lot of fun!  I bet she gets into everything =D

The strange behavior you see is ferret "play".  You are witnessing the wonderful weasel war dance!  A ferret will hop around, thrashing her head from side to side and dance back and forth.  Often, she will make "dook-dook-dook" noises out of happiness!  It is nothing more than the ferret form of fun.  I would not be concerned at all.. in fact, it means she is VERY happy.  

Sometimes ferrets have an itch while they play.  Mine suddenly stop, twist in midair and scratch or bite the area then continue the game.  Unless you notice any fleas, excessive scratching or loss of fur I would not be too concerned with this behavior.  If you do, bring her to a vet for a checkup.  Some things such as fleas can be very dangerous.  Ferrets are very small and can become anemic quickly.  

Be very careful what you feed your kid as treats.  Anything sugary such as fruits are VERY bad for ferrets!  Bananas, pineapples, raisins, etc all can cause stress on the pancreas and cause Insulinoma which is a progressive condition.  ANYTHING sugary is a BIG NO NO!!! No fruits or vegetables of ANY sort should be given! I include a link at the bottom of the page with ideas for healthy ferret treats.  

Along with healthy treats, make sure you feed a HIGH quality kibble.  Most ferret foods are NOT properly formulated, and you will spend a lot of money on brands that can harm your pet.  Please refer to the following link regarding proper nutrition.  It is a past question I have answered regarding the subject.  It includes exampled of good brands and appropriate treats to feed her.  Remember, proper nutrition is ESSENTIAL!  You can save her from future health problems if you feed a proper diet and treats.

Be careful with what you allow her to chew on.  Ferrets often get intestinal obstructions which are fatal without immediate surgery.  Do not allow her to chew on anything rubbery or breaks off into pieces that she can swallow.  If you notice any lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, or a painful abdomen have her seen by your vet ASAP.  An obstruction is an emergency that needs medical attention ASAP.  I would not allow her to chew on cans or any other items that could potentially be ingested.      

Good luck!!  If you have any other questions, you know where to find me.  

-Cindy P.