Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Ferret is very weak

Ferret is very weak

21 10:45:18

The ferret is of old age (above 5). Recently he started to
act very weak and just wants to sleep. He has trouble
walking too. His appetite is gone and I just don't know what
to do. The ferret gets Marshall's Ferret Food. His last poop
looked fine, but he took it in an unusual place.

He lives in an apartment with me, a typical apartment. He
lives in a normal cage with a bed suspended at the top.

Hi Katrina,

There are many problems that ferrets can have that might show hind end weakness; anything from anemia to cardiovascular problems, to insulinoma. I would suggest that you take him in to the vet as soon as possible.

On that note, please consider changing your ferret food. Marshall's ferret food is not very good for ferrets at all. Ferrets are obligate carnivores which means that their bodies are made to digest only meat. You should be feeding a food that has anywhere from 36 to 38% percent protein, 20-22% fat and no more than 3% fiber. Corn or corn products should not be listed in the first three to five ingredients. Ferrets cannot digest this material and over time, it could become a serious problem. Here is a chart comparing ferret foods:

You shouldn't go below a 9 on that list.

I hope that helps. Please let me know how things turn out or if you need help finding a vet.

Emilee Andrews