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ferrets mourning loss ferret

21 10:54:44

i had three ferrets and one was killed, i think the two remaining are mourning the loss of their friend

Hi Rhonda:

I'm so sorry for the loss of your ferret.  Yes, ferrets absolutely DO love each other and they do mourn the passing of one another.  They can also sense the sadness in you!

The best thing for them is to hold them, love them and reassure them. Speak of the ferret who died kindly. They will appreciate hearing his/her name; knowing that he/she did not just 'disappear'....that you are missing him too. I think you will find that they listen very carefully when they hear you say the missing ferret's name.  Many people feel this is an excellent time to read this poem to their ferrets. It becomes tradition and as each ferret passes, we are reassured that one day we will all be together again:

Fortunately you have other ferrets to comfort each other.  It's when there is only one ferret left that we get really concerned. It's not at all uncommon for the remaining one - and sometimes even two - to mourn sometimes even to the point of illness/death when their beloved cagemate passes away.  

There is a wonderful online website to memorialize pets who have died.  I apologize that you didn't receive a reply to your question sooner. It's never too late to memorialize your ferret tho.

If you are still grieving and need someone to talk to, there is a great chatroom devoted to people who have recently lost a pet - all kinds of pets...not just ferrets. There is a common thread though, and these people are so very very understanding and kind.  Every Monday evening they have a Candle Lighting Ceremony where each person lights a candle at the same time and says a prayer for all the beloved pets who have died during that week, and for their own pets. It's a very moving ceremony - especially when you realize that people all over the world are joining you in thought and prayer at that very moment. Here's the website for that:

The best therapy is 'ferret therapy'. Hold them, hug them, love them.  Take pictures, get on the floor and play with them, giggle and laugh with and they will all feel better. Even if you don't feel like it at first, just go through the motions and eventually your heart will join in.

Jacquie Rodgers