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Introducing a new ferret.

21 10:39:03

Today I will be adopting a second female ferret to introduce to my 5 year old male. Recently, his brother passed away while he was being hospitalized and he's become more aggressive towards me and my boyfriend. I really just want him to have a friend again, but I'm also nervous that he will be aggressive towards her. Do you think it's a good idea for me to get another?

I worry about 2 things.  First, the aggression and the age of your ferret could mean there is a medical issue, like adrenal going on.  Second, a very young second ferret may be too much to handle for an older ferret if he is used to a relaxed life.  Young ferret are very energetic.  If you feel comfortable that the male and new female will be a similar personality and that the male is free from illness, I don't see an issue with adding another ferret.