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Wierd eating habits

21 11:01:17

Hello Amy,
My ferret absolutely LOVES to eat peanut butter and Vaseline, I dont know about the Vaseline, but is it OK for ferrets to have peanut butter? I occasionally give her some licks off of my finger but am unsure whether this is harmful or not. What about Vaseline? She loves to lick my hands after I apply it and once I caught her opening the container and licking it.

Hello Nataly,
Thank you for your question. Peanut butter in small amounts is fine for ferrets, but watch that she doesn't get a large amount in her mouth, which could cause choking. They also have peanut butter flavored treats in the pet stores which I would recommend as an alternative.
Also peanut butter is loaded with fat, and is a little tough to digest, so it is OK, but in very small amounts.
I would say No to the Vaseline. Vaseline is NOT water soluble and is not meant to be ingested, and could cause a serious intestinal block. Please put the jar up high where she cannot get to it.
Thanks again, and if you need any more help, let me know! ~