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Sore on my ferret

21 10:40:53

I have two ferrets poppy and Luna both from the same litter. Poppy is spayed but Luna is not she has come in season and she has a sore next to her virginal area. I did see this before so I have been keeping an eye on her and the sore seems to have gotten a little worse. Because she is in seen she is always damp in that area and I think this must irritate her...  I do not know how it happened but I think she must have grazed it or was scratching it.

Hello Laura,

Are you planning to breed her?  A female jill can get anemia if not bred when she is in season.  This is life-threatening and fatal if not treated.  She MUST be bred, or you need to seek out your vet to give an injection that will bring her out of it. This is the reason why all ferrets in pet stores are altered before they are sold.   

The sore can be due to any number of reasons.  She might be licking the area more and irritating it.  If it does not go away on its own, have your vet take a peek.  It might need antibiotics or further treatment.  

-Cindy P.