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Ferrets sweet tooth

21 10:57:44

My ferrets have a very bad sweet tooth. The love cheerios and fruit loops. I know fruit loops aren't the best and was wondering what are some other foods that they might like.

Hi Shawna and thanks for writing. Cheerios are OK because they have very low sugar content, but I would not give them more than 1 or 2 per day. Fruit Loops are absolutely out and you should stop giving them to your ferrets immediately. WAY too much sugar for any animal (including humans, as far as I'm concerned) and the super high amount of carbohydrates contributes to the overload on their pancreas that causes insulinomas (extremely common in ferrets, unfortunately).

The only thing I recommend giving ferrets is their normal hard food and occasional spoonfuls of Ferretone, Furotone, or Linatone (none of these contain sugar or corn syrup). If you want to give your ferret a treat, dip a piece of his or her food in warm water. They love that and don't realize it's not a "real treat." They just want to be hand fed by their human; that's what they're really interested in.

Do your ferrets' teeth, gums, and internal organs a favor.....stay away from sugar and corn syrup and stick to regular ferret food.

Good luck,