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dirty ferret!!!

21 10:59:44

Hi. I CAN NOT keep my 4 month old ferret from climbing my shelves and digging all of the dirt out of my house plants and making a huge mess, not to mention traumatizing my poor plants. even when I am right there watching her she climbs up there and ignores every attempt I make to get her to stop. I have tried pushing her down and telling her NO! and even putting her in a cage for a time out every time she does it. nothing is working so far!

Well, ferrets are naturally burrowing animals so digging in dirt is their thing!  The best you can do is to fashion ways to make it harder - like placing rocks on top of the plant dirt.  Don't put anything on the shelves she can reach or make them slippery so she can't get on them.  While there are many things we can train a ferret to do, you can't fight nature!  Be a little creative in finding ways to make it impossible for her to do the things you don't like and offer her alternatives.  Maybe a leashed trip outside or a box/tub with dirt or play sand where she can dig.  Plenty of allowable places to climb - sort of like a ferret agility course indoors!  
Good Luck