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ferret and new puppy

21 10:45:07

Hello..i have a male ferret that is six months old I've had him for about three husband just recently got me a male dachshund puppy that is 8 weeks can i properly introduce them to each other? and how can i make sure to keep my ferret happy now that there is another animal in the house

Hello Esther,

Congrats on the new puppy!  They are so cute at that age =D

Animals are pretty accepting of others when they are young.  Even at 8 weeks old, your puppy will be about the same size if not larger than the ferret!!  Make sure all play is monitored closely, and separate the two if it gets too rough or if there are any signs of aggression.  Make sure they interact frequently so they become accustomed to each other.  It is especially important for the dachshund to learn to play carefully.  He will be larger than the ferret, and could easily hurt him without realizing it. NEVER leave your dog and ferret unsupervised!!  This is very important because accidents DO happen.   

If play becomes too rough, immediately separate them.  Punishment will not do much, so let the two calm down before reintroducing them.  This will send the message that rough housing is NOT allowed.

Give plenty of treats to both to award good behavior.  Also, reward gentile play with praise as well!  


I hope this helps!  It is MUCH easier for two young animals to learn to interact.  I hope they get along well!!

-Cindy P.