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Ferret ages

21 10:49:36

Hello! I've had my ferret for 2 months now. She is 6 months old. I was just wondering what the aging is like for ferrets. For example, when are they considered adults, or when are the old? Thanks a lot!!

Hello Stef!

As quoted from "Ferrets for Dummies: 2nd edition, by Kim Schilling":

Ferret infancy: Birth to three weeks.
Furball toddlerhood: 3 to 6 weeks.
The terrible fuzzy twos: 6 to 10 weeks. (This is when ferrets are usually taken home by loving fuzzy mommies and daddies!)
Adolescence already? 10 to 15 weeks.

They are considered adults at about 7 months of age and they are considered geriatric at about 4 years.

I hope this answers your question, and for you need anything else, now or later, please don't hesitate to ask!

Emilee Andrews