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yellow stools in ferretts

21 10:57:17

We just purchased a ferret (2 weeks ago).  Today when i came home i noted there was a partial yellowish mucous stool in her cage.  She has not been around any other ferrets, only our cat.  However it has been really hot and muggy and we placed an ice bottle in her cage as well as an overhead fan and opened the windows.  Our cat is on on Hill prescription diet but she is on Marshall ferret food since we got her.  Any ideas from anyone

I would suggest stress and possibly heat.  I am guessing she is young?  If so, get her checked out by a ferret vet as she is probably due a distemper booster soon anyway and this gets you familiar with a good ferret vet.  Be aware that ferrets can overheat easily so make sure she is cool enough - maybe even place her in the bathroom/tub during the hottest part of the day.  Place ice in her drinking water and a couple of ice/cool packs too.  The fan will help - is there a room in your house with air conditioning?  Or a basement?  They tend to be cooler.  Basically - make sure she is cool, drinking and nothing else is wrong and have her checked by your vet to rule out anything health related.  I would suggest moving her to a better quality food (Natural Gold, Totally Ferret etc) which may help too.
Good luck